Application examples for BiDiB
1. Minimal system for feedback messages
Some properties are not necessary in a small home layout. A possibility here can be a minimal system which consists only one board with integrated detector and interface functionality.
During logon, this system transmits static responses for NODETAB CLASS and ID requests (because there is no internal bus) and possibly rejects feature requests – depending on the configuration. Therefore, BiDiB can be also ported to small systems such as the previous RC-Link.
2. Mixed system
Suppose that a layout that was driven with an conventional bus system (such as S88) should be made Railcom capable. Here, an interface, one or more new BiDi detectors and an adapter that brings in the previous S88 modules to the BiDiBus can be installed. This adapter registers within the occupancy detector class, but then rejects all other feature requests (except the occupancy detector feature).
3. Home layout
BiDiB can also control DCC sources, booster assemblies and accessories besides the sensor functionality. For a home system, you need an interface, a few booster assemblies (depending on the size of the layout), some feedback sensors plus other related assemblies for lighting control, such as the MoBaList.
4. Professional system
Complete monitoring of an professional exhibition layout with acknowledged feedback functionality (with the appropriate local bus) can be realized without any problems. The protocol is effective and fast enough to transmit the complete amount of data safely.
Security and control of decentralized booster assemblies is provided through appropriate system messages, the control station also provides information on current load distribution, operating temperatures and possible decentralized emergency-stop requests.
Within a railcom-enabled layout, BiDiB dramatically improves the positioning accuracy. Movement information and acknowledge messages from loco's on received commands will be transmitted very quickly to command station and PC. As a result, a efficient optimization of the track protocol is possible.
At the same time, sophisticated accessories decoder (such as Light Control) can be integrated, which can't be controlled any more rational with the usual DCC control and CV programming.
5. Possibilities at the host program
Just as there is flexibility on the hardware side, there is also flexibility on the software side: A simple program can decide to display only the occupancy detectors. A convenient program can control surround sound based on the power consumption and/or performing maintenance records of loco's, as example.